The Comeback Kids of the September Garden

I really thought that getting 20ish pounds of tomatoes out of the garden by late August was wonderful – I was excited to have tried canning and to have harvested and processed 6 butternut squash. We’d had a decent crop of potatoes and basil, and we’d harvested one bell pepper and a tiny pile of carrots.

September, thus, has been a bit of an unexpected bounty – I just cut the three squash in the squash tree down, and there are two little bitty ones still growing. The tomatoes didn’t let up at all and even expanded; I’m having to actively trim them just to keep them inside the garden box; we’re probably nearing 30 pounds total for the year. The bell pepper finally has multiple blooms and a few germinated, tiny peppers growing, and the transplanted basil seems to finally be making a comeback.

Interestingly enough, we have a few new potato feelers growing around. They look like nothing much, so I would be totally unsurprised if we pull them up and there’s nothing there, but I’m holding out for first frost and pulling them up at that point – maybe we’ll have a few more of the delicate little 1-inch potatoes we ate up a month and a half ago.

I thought about trying to replant lettuces for the cooler season, but I think I’m all gardened out for this season – it’s been so wonderful that the chance to add some cooler weather crops didn’t appeal, and thank goodness: we’ve yet to hit consistent cool weather, and first frost might be only 6 weeks away! Next year, one of my goals is to more intentionally get 3 plantings in – salad greens as early as I can, summer crops in early june, and a crop of late-season veggies. For now though, I’m content to trim back my tomatoes, speak kindly to the tiny peppers, and pull basil for every pasta dish I can come up with.

12 comments on “The Comeback Kids of the September Garden

  1. Elizabeth says:

    My favorite “volunteers” are the sunflowers under the bird feeders. Enjoy your basil sprigs.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fijay says:

    Oh my god …a ‘grow your own’ person to boot …love this post

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Don’t despair with your potatoes. We had a meal last week at a truly amazing restaurant in Japan where one course was tiny tiny potatoes baked and served in an edible basket of woven seaweed. The potatoes were no bigger than my thumbnail! Thank heaven the waitress told us we should eat the basket, we would never have guessed, (it tasted amazing).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ladybuggz says:

    I once found a peach pit growing in my compost..I planted it an now I have a 8 ft. Peach tree! Not one peach ever though! I’ve found tomatoes growing in the compost and planted lots of tomatoes from them!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. autistsix says:

    Hi I nominated you for an award:

    Yes Again The Versatile Blogger Award

    You seem to be so much fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. autistsix says:

    You deserve it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am so envious! Wouls love to grow something, but in the apartment, everything dies on my windowsill. Any idea how to grow at least basil, mint, etc. in small pots?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have had great luck growing basil, cilantro, rosemary, and even chives indoors. The biggest mistake I made when starting out was allowing the seeds to dry out between watering. Except the rosemary. That doesn’t like to be too wet.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. My tomatoes have been rubbish this year 😩 Only a handful so far and there aren’t many green ones waiting to ripen up. In fact, not a lot has been successful gardening-wise for me… I left my damsons too late to pick off the tree and so they all turned manky, my green beans were tasty but looked oh-so sad, and my sweet peas bore hardly any blooms. Well, there’s always next year!! 😬


  9. We had a horribly dry summer and my garden didn’t do as well as I’d hoped. Watering helped but I got too sore to go out so things kind of fell apart. Your garden makes me think I should check mine. Maybe I’ll have a September surprise!

    Liked by 1 person

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