A New Feature: Written-Out Recipes

So, it’s the school year again and it’s just too much for daily posts to happen around here. For one thing, I don’t cook something every day… which is no shame, but also just the situation. So I’m starting a fun project that I’ll share with you all a couple times a week.

I’m going back through old posts where I linked to someone else’s recipes, like the recipes that fellow bloggers have suggested, or recipes I’ve found online that remind me of experiences in the past. I’m going to write them out on my own blank recipe cards and post them here; I know I like having the actual recipe in front of me when I cook, so you all might like that too! I’ll be sure to attribute and link back to where I found the recipes still, but this way I will have an actual, physical recipe box from this big old blog experiment.

I’d love to know if you post pictures of your physical recipe cards as well; it seems like it’s more common to have a pinterest board than a recipe card box any more, but because J gave me one at my bridal shower, I am excited to fill it up with evidence of this year of culinary experimentation. I’d be excited to see all the variety in recipe card designs over the years, so if you have a favorite recipe on a physical card, feel free to send me a snapshot (or a link to the snapshot on your own blog). Thanks!

12 comments on “A New Feature: Written-Out Recipes

  1. jaceyvahiz says:

    I love handwritten recipes, but frankly my handwriting looks like chicken scratch so I’ve tried to share them online. My problem is, I have a tendency not to post the recipes if I don’t have photos to go with them, hence I have a ton of drafts in my old blogspot. As you mentioned that you don’t cook something everyday, some days I just prefer take outs and if possible I would prefer a home cooked meal from a friend or neighbour (heck I’m even willing to pay for it!).


  2. Linda says:

    I like having a written recipe in front of me, too. I was better about using cards and copying them neatly in the past. I have big recipe box with all kinds of recipes in it: cards, magazine clippings, scratched down notes …it’s a mess. But I know where things are (or should be!) and I like it. 🙂


  3. flkeysfoodie says:

    Was just thinking about this last night as I was attempting to scroll through a web recipe with floured hands and the damned page was struggling to load bc of the ads! I always have ambitions to just learn them all by memory, but I can’t. Love the searchability of the digital, but nothing beats paper when you’re cooking.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. amusingword says:

    How can I post a photo in a comment? Copy and paste?


  5. Hey great idea. Yeah I do have some handwritten recipes, long long back I had written them. You motivate me to re-write my re-created recipes with a presentable handwriting 🙂 You are right, handwritten recipes gave us more warmth and attachment with our cooking. Happy cooking dear.


  6. I use a hard back sketch book. I write them in there. I keep it with the rest of our cook books


  7. Emma says:

    I have a lot of handwritten recipes, they are my favourite. I use mostly cooking books and my nana gifted me a big blank recipe book which I’m filling slowly 😊 I love the idea of recipe cards, it is going to be great to have all your recipes written down!


  8. cookingwithangela76 says:

    I used to write all my recipes on colorful index cards because I didn’t have but a few recipe cards. Now I photocopy the recipes and keep them in a three-ring binder. I like your idea of sharing the handwritten recipe cards.


  9. I love my cards. I have my mom’s old ones. And a very old box. I’d like to get a new one eventually. Looking forward to your project.


  10. Kimberly says:

    I have been following your blog now for about a month. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your well-written, thoughtful posts.


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